Sunday, October 13, 2013


Getting paid to ride a bike to work is easier said than done. It would probably be more productive to just walk in to a business on my commute route and just ask.

If you haven't laughed yet today, these letters might do the trick. If you guessed that I received absolutely zero replies you would be correct.

You have to admit, these are some pretty awesome endorsement deals!

PO Box 1332
Georgetown, TX 78627
June 9, 2013

Chamberlain Marketing Group
12103 Delta Drive
Taylor, MI 48180


My name is Joseph Holan, a daily bike commuter (Georgetown to Austin, TX and back) seeking a product endorsement agreement or marketing partnership with Energizer. Energizer was selected as a potential sponsor because I use Energizer batteries to power my lights when riding to and from work.

I would be a good choice to endorse Energizer because I ride in plain view of the general public, mostly in heavy traffic during peak commuting hours. My commute covers 140 miles per week and I have appeared on local and national television promoting a “sponsored bike commute” concept. Sponsoring a bike commuter demonstrates that Energizer is environmentally conscious and promotes healthy lifestyle choices.

In exchange for endorsing Energizer I am seeking compensation in the form of one year’s supply of Energizer Industrial AAA alkaline batteries. Three 24-packs at $9 per pack would be $27 in total compensation (source, As part of the agreement the Energizer logo will appear on my bike during my commute to and from work for a period of one year.

Read more at my new blog,, more specifically the blog posts titled, My 30-Second Pitch on CNN and My Current Commute Route.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your reply.


Joseph Holan


PO Box 1332
Georgetown, TX 78627
June 9, 2013

1000 E. Hanes Mill Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27105


My name is Joseph Holan, a daily bike commuter (Georgetown to Austin, TX and back) seeking a product endorsement agreement or marketing partnership with Hanes. Hanes was selected as a potential sponsor because I wear Hanes tee shirts not just during my commute, but at work, home, everywhere.

I would be a good choice to endorse Hanes because I ride in plain view of the general public, mostly in heavy traffic during peak commuting hours. My commute covers 140 miles per week and I have appeared on local and national television promoting a “sponsored bike commute” concept. Sponsoring a bike commuter demonstrates that Hanes is environmentally conscious and promotes healthy lifestyle choices.

In exchange for endorsing Hanes I am seeking compensation in the form of one year’s supply of Hanes mens’ crew tee shirts. Six 5-packs at $13.46 per pack would be $80.76 in total compensation (source, As part of the agreement the Hanes logo will appear on my bike during my commute to and from work for a period of one year.

Read more at my new blog,, more specifically the blog posts titled, My 30-Second Pitch on CNN and My Current Commute Route.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your reply.


Joseph Holan


PO Box 1332
Georgetown, TX 78627

June 9, 2013

Wieden & Kennedy
224 NW 13th Avenue
Portland, OR 97209


My name is Joseph Holan, a daily bike commuter (Georgetown to Austin, TX and back) seeking a product endorsement agreement or marketing partnership with Procter & Gamble, more specifically, Old Spice. Old Spice was selected as a potential sponsor because I use Old Spice body wash before my morning commute and Old Spice deodorant when changing clothes at work.

I would be a good choice to endorse Old Spice because I ride in plain view of the general public, mostly in heavy traffic during peak commuting hours. My commute covers 140 miles per week and I have appeared on local and national television promoting a “sponsored bike commute” concept. Sponsoring a bike commuter demonstrates that Old Spice is environmentally conscious and promotes healthy lifestyle choices.

In exchange for endorsing Old Spice I am seeking compensation in the form of one year’s supply of Old Spice deodorant and body wash. $2.47 x 12 (Old Spice Pure Sport High Endurance deodorant) and $6.97 x 12 (Old Spice High Endurance Body Wash Pure Sport Twin Pack) would be $113.28 in total compensation (source, As part of the agreement the Old Spice logo will appear on my bike during my commute to and from work for a period of one year.

Read more at my new blog,, more specifically the blog posts titled, My 30-Second Pitch on CNN and My Current Commute Route.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your reply.


Joseph Holan


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